non-flush example flush example

distribution of hand types
distinct combinations probability odds
royal flush 0 0 impossible impossible
straight flush 0 0 impossible impossible
four of a kind 0 0 impossible impossible
full house 0 0 impossible impossible
flush 45 180 0.29% 1 : 344
straight 0 0 impossible impossible
three of a kind 3 192 0.31% 1 : 322
two pairs 3 432 0.70% 1 : 143
one pair 40 15,360 24.75% 1 : 3.04
high card 45 45,900 73.96% 2.84 : 1
total 136 62,064 100 %

note: in the table below, a flush (or straight flush or royal flush) can by definition only occur if all five cards are of the same suit.
therefore, the "s" next to hole cards means that the hole cards are suited AND all three flop cards are of that suit, too.

ranking of all 136 distinct hole cards
hole cards hand category combinations probability odds equity
nuts AKs AKQ85 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 100.00%
2 AJs AQJ85 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.99%
3 ATs AQT85 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.99%
4 A9s AQ985 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.98%
5 A7s AQ875 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.97%
6 A6s AQ865 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.97%
7 A4s AQ854 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.96%
8 A3s AQ853 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.95%
9 A2s AQ852 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.95%
10 KJs KQJ85 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.94%
11 KTs KQT85 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.94%
12 K9s KQ985 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.93%
13 K7s KQ875 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.92%
14 K6s KQ865 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.92%
15 K4s KQ854 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.91%
16 K3s KQ853 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.90%
17 K2s KQ852 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.90%
18 JTs QJT85 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.89%
19 J9s QJ985 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.88%
20 J7s QJ875 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.88%
21 J6s QJ865 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.87%
22 J4s QJ854 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.86%
23 J3s QJ853 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.86%
24 J2s QJ852 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.85%
25 T9s QT985 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.85%
26 T7s QT875 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.84%
27 T6s QT865 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.83%
28 T4s QT854 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.83%
29 T3s QT853 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.82%
30 T2s QT852 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.81%
31 97s Q9875 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.81%
32 96s Q9865 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.80%
33 94s Q9854 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.79%
34 93s Q9853 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.79%
35 92s Q9852 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.78%
36 76s Q8765 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.77%
37 74s Q8754 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.77%
38 73s Q8753 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.76%
39 72s Q8752 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.76%
40 64s Q8654 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.75%
41 63s Q8653 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.74%
42 62s Q8652 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.74%
43 43s Q8543 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.73%
44 42s Q8542 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.72%
45 32s Q8532 flush 4 0.01% 1 : 15515 99.72%
46 QQ QQQ85 three of a kind 64 0.10% 1 : 969 99.71%
47 88 Q8885 three of a kind 64 0.10% 1 : 969 99.61%
48 55 Q8555 three of a kind 64 0.10% 1 : 969 99.50%
49 Q8 QQ885 two pairs 144 0.23% 1 : 430 99.40%
50 Q5 QQ855 two pairs 144 0.23% 1 : 430 99.17%
51 85 Q8855 two pairs 144 0.23% 1 : 430 98.94%
52 AA AAQ85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 98.70%
53 KK KKQ85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 98.09%
54 AQ AQQ85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 97.47%
55 KQ KQQ85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 96.85%
56 QJ QQJ85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 96.23%
57 QT QQT85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 95.61%
58 Q9 QQ985 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 94.99%
59 Q7 QQ875 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 94.37%
60 Q6 QQ865 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 93.75%
61 Q4 QQ854 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 93.14%
62 Q3 QQ853 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 92.52%
63 Q2 QQ852 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 91.90%
64 JJ QJJ85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 91.28%
65 TT QTT85 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 90.66%
66 99 Q9985 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 90.04%
67 A8 AQ885 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 89.42%
68 K8 KQ885 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 88.81%
69 J8 QJ885 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 88.19%
70 T8 QT885 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 87.57%
71 98 Q9885 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 86.95%
72 87 Q8875 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 86.33%
73 86 Q8865 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 85.71%
74 84 Q8854 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 85.09%
75 83 Q8853 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 84.47%
76 82 Q8852 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 83.86%
77 77 Q8775 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 83.24%
78 66 Q8665 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 82.62%
79 A5 AQ855 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 82.00%
80 K5 KQ855 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 81.38%
81 J5 QJ855 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 80.76%
82 T5 QT855 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 80.14%
83 95 Q9855 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 79.52%
84 75 Q8755 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 78.91%
85 65 Q8655 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 78.29%
86 54 Q8554 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 77.67%
87 53 Q8553 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 77.05%
88 52 Q8552 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 76.43%
89 44 Q8544 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 75.81%
90 33 Q8533 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 75.19%
91 22 Q8522 one pair 384 0.62% 1 : 161 74.57%
92 AK AKQ85 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 73.96%
93 AJ AQJ85 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 72.31%
94 AT AQT85 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 70.67%
95 A9 AQ985 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 69.03%
96 A7 AQ875 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 67.38%
97 A6 AQ865 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 65.74%
98 A4 AQ854 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 64.10%
99 A3 AQ853 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 62.45%
100 A2 AQ852 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 60.81%
101 KJ KQJ85 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 59.16%
102 KT KQT85 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 57.52%
103 K9 KQ985 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 55.88%
104 K7 KQ875 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 54.23%
105 K6 KQ865 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 52.59%
106 K4 KQ854 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 50.95%
107 K3 KQ853 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 49.30%
108 K2 KQ852 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 47.66%
109 JT QJT85 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 46.02%
110 J9 QJ985 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 44.37%
111 J7 QJ875 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 42.73%
112 J6 QJ865 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 41.09%
113 J4 QJ854 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 39.44%
114 J3 QJ853 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 37.80%
115 J2 QJ852 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 36.16%
116 T9 QT985 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 34.51%
117 T7 QT875 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 32.87%
118 T6 QT865 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 31.23%
119 T4 QT854 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 29.58%
120 T3 QT853 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 27.94%
121 T2 QT852 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 26.30%
122 97 Q9875 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 24.65%
123 96 Q9865 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 23.01%
124 94 Q9854 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 21.37%
125 93 Q9853 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 19.72%
126 92 Q9852 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 18.08%
127 76 Q8765 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 16.43%
128 74 Q8754 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 14.79%
129 73 Q8753 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 13.15%
130 72 Q8752 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 11.50%
131 64 Q8654 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 9.86%
132 63 Q8653 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 8.22%
133 62 Q8652 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 6.57%
134 43 Q8543 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 4.93%
135 42 Q8542 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 3.29%
136 32 Q8532 high card 1,020 1.64% 1 : 59.8 1.64%